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This doesn't sit well with Baela, who says Vhagar was hers to claim. When Rhaenyra's children arrive to lend a hand, a fight breaks out. Jacaerys reacts by bludgeoning Aemond with a jagged rock, and when it looks like Aemond is about to overpower him, Lucerys stabs his half-uncle, drawing a scar down the boy's face and ruining his left eye. Rhaenyra and Alicent’s relationship is the most compelling part of House of the Dragon and the most annoying. The series relies on these two women — the disintegration of their friendship directly precedes the war between their houses — but it also neglects them. The showrunners plowed through the first season at warp speed to set up a battle that, as of episode 9, is just getting underway, while deepening a new backstory in the process.
You Have Matt Smith To Thank For the Best 'House of the Dragon' Scenes - Collider
You Have Matt Smith To Thank For the Best 'House of the Dragon' Scenes.
Posted: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 15:30:00 GMT [source]
How long is Rhaenyra’s reign?
The season took us through the life of King Viserys Targaryen — yes, an ancestor of Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones. Max, formerly HBO Max, has confirmed that House of the Dragon’s second season will be released on June 16, 2024. As is typical for network shows, you’ll have to wait for each episode to air one week at a time. If you hate suspense and would rather binge the entire season, you’ll have to wait until August 4, which is when the final episode airs. Laena's funeral brings together Rhaenyra and Daemon for the first time in years. "Look what my life became without you." She longs to be desired again like she was by Harwin.
House of the Dragon: Who Kills Rhaenyra Targaryen? - CBR
House of the Dragon: Who Kills Rhaenyra Targaryen?.
Posted: Tue, 26 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]
She's the first woman to sit on the Iron Throne
This will eventually unfold into a much larger battle, culminating in The Dance of the Dragons. The war will consume all of the Seven Kingdoms — major Westerosi houses will forge alliances with either Targaryen faction. Expect the return of houses like the Starks and Lannisters from Game of Thrones. "I may have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon." That's certainly one way to look at it, and he's not alone. His grandpa, Otto Hightower (Rhys Ifans), who's been restored to Hand of the King following the death of Lyonel Strong, agrees.
Who Plays Rhaenyra Targaryen In House of the Dragon?
Daemon is dragged before Viserys, who accuses his brother of "defiling" and "ruining" his daughter. Around half the great houses, including the Starks and the Arryns, declared for Rhaenyra, and war broke out primarily in the Riverlands. The campaign was a brutal one, and Rhaenyra frequently took to the front on the back of Syrax. Rhaenyra and Daemon immediately sought the loyalty of the great houses, sending diplomats to all Seven Kingdoms. Lucerys was sent to Storm’s End to appeal to the House Baratheon, but Aemond was also there, and the two fought.
Otto moves to crown Aegon II king, and Alicent allows him to as long as they don’t kill Rhaenyra. Devastated by his loss, Viserys realizes his all-consuming drive for a male heir is what killed his beloved Aemma when Rhaenyra was already the perfect successor. Viserys makes the decision to tell Rhaenyra The Song of Ice and Fire prophecy and names her the next Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.
House of the Dragon – Rhaenyra Targaryen’s dragon Syrax explained
Even upon the humiliation of being in a gruesome labor while her husband Prince Daemon (Matt Smith) schemed and plotted, consigned to the birthing bed and “woman’s duties” that she never wished to define her, Rhaenyra kept her composure. She accepted the crown’s duties as being about more than only personal gratification. "House of the Dragon" depicts the Dance of the Dragons, a civil war between the Targaryens that cost them their dragons and, ultimately, led to their downfall.

We also know that Syrax and Rhaenyra loved to fly together and would often go on trips around King’s Landing together, sometimes in the company of her uncle Daemon Targaryen. In the TV series, Rhaenya often invited her friend, Alicent Hightower, to fly on Syrax, but the young girl was too afraid to ride on a dragon. Rhaenyra’s eldest son, Jacaerys, suggested the Blacks look for more dragonriders to gain an edge.
He is now King of the Narrow Sea, having conquered all but two of the islands. He's not here to taunt Viserys (Paddy Considine), however, but to bend the knee. All of this led to Rhaenyra being massively unpopular, and when she was accused of killing Helaena Targaryen, an uprising broke out. The commoners stormed the Dragon Pit and killed several of the Targaryen dragons.
Daemon, Viserys I, and Aegon are the children of Prince Baelon Targaryen and Princess Alyssa Targaryen, siblings who married each other. The battle for succession eventually evolves into a Targaryen civil war with Rhaenyra and her half-brother Aegon fighting for the Iron Throne. We’ve even had a look at where the Game of Thrones cast is now. Syrax died fighting the common folk of King’s Landing during the storming of the Dragonpit. While Syrax wasn’t housed at the Dragonpit during the uprising, Rhaenyra’s son Joffrey flew his mother’s dragon to the pit in the hopes of saving his own mount Tyraxes.
Cruel and driven partially mad by the pain of his injuries, Aegon cruelly had Rhaenyra fed to his dragon Sunfyre and forced her son Aegon to watch the horror show. After her death, Aegon declared that Rhaenyra should never be referred to as a queen and that she had always only been a princess. When Rhaenyra finds out that Viserys is dead and she’s been ousted from the throne, the war is effectively on.
Laena Velaryon is dead and the Targaryen and Velaryon clans have assembled at Driftmark for a burial at sea. As Vaemond (Wil Johnson) intones the burial rites, Daemon (Matt Smith) lets loose with a devilish giggle that unnerves the crowd. “She’s met with very similar challenges that Daenerys is also brought with, in not being viable in her claim to the throne and having other people constantly be like, “You’re not legitimate,” Milly told TVLine.
The show itself is set to last four seasons so the final episode of season 2 likely won’t show the conclusion of The Dance of the Dragons. We’ll have to wait a bit longer to find out which Targaryen faction claims the Iron Throne. As the first season draws to a close, the relationship between Rhaenyra and Alicent deteriorates and becomes volatile. Simultaneously, Viserys’ brother Daemon comes into the picture and allies with Rhaenyra’s cause. When Viserys dies at the end of the first season, Westeros is thrown into chaos. Rhaenyra gets crowned Queen in Dragonstone, while Alicent has her son Aegon crowned in King’s Landing.
Later, meeting with Rhaenyra, Corlys and Rhaenys announce their alliance with the Blacks. And since Corlys' years at sea cinched him control of the Stepstones, his dominion over the Narrow Sea means they may be able to cut off sea travel and trade to King's Landing. Houses Stark, Baratheon, and Arryn took an oath to support Rhaenyra's claim to the throne when Viserys first declared it, but both Otto and Corlys remind her that oaths are easy to break.
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